Sunday, November 1, 2009

Coping With Sprawl

Lehrer, Jim. "How We Live: Part One". Online News Hour. 29 Oct 2009.

This article from PBS is actually the dialouge of a news segment that focuses on urban sprawl in Atlanta. The interviewer has sought out local professionals to give their views on what is occuring in Atlanta. One topic that seemed to be popular was the fact that people over the last forty years have started to migrate away from the center pf the city, and now the challenge is to lure them back. People would rather live in the center of the city, but with the price it is pretty much out of the question. But the city hopes their recent efforts are successful, and they have already seen a slow number of people start to come back. This article was a good resource because it went into further depth on how Atlanta is dealing with urban sprawl. It was informative because the people giving their opinions were professionals. Overall it was well written and well presented.

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